About Us

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Looking for returns on your investments? Envisage Venture Security is an automatic online investment platform, team of professionals focusing mainly on Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies, trading multiple Exchanges and markets. Thanks to the extraordinary diversification of our investments, we deliver steady income for our investors.

Headquartered in Norway in 2019. Envisage Venture Security is already becoming a fastest growing trading company. Our name is synonymous with effective and profitable investment solutions where our investors need little or no trading experience at all. With Envisage Venture Security, investors choose from our business plans, make a deposit and sit back while our experts do the work. You can withdraw your profit any time and schedule withdrawals quickly and easily through our website. If you have been looking for a safe investment platform, choose Envisage Venture Security and let our professionals generate returns from your investments.

EVS is a platform where investments are carried out by professional traders who employ unique trading skills and strategies to give out favourable results, not minding the risks too. All these are aided also by necessary tools and installed updated software to ensure ROI is made possible.

Aside the most popular currencies in the market, EVS makes trade on several other digital and non￾digital assets & markets such as Agricultural Sectors, Gold Market, Engineering/ Construction/ Technological fields, Oil Sectors as well as Health and Educational Sectors. We support and control enterprises globally. With many franchise and owned businesses which we control, the investment project is aimed at sustainability, growth and progress.

Because of the general Global acceptance of cryptocurrencies, BTC/ETH are integrated into the system where they serve as a mode of payment and deposit to avoid heavy Fiat and ensuring withdrawal is processed quickly.


-Less Risks involved, you are not handling trades by yourself, so you don't get to lose. It creates extra time to focus on other daily activities.

-Every business aim/goal is to get back returns. At EVS, the ROI here is fair and sustainable, the Platform has been in existence for quite a while now, serving its clients around the globe.

-Security is also another factor especially in the crypto world. With EVS, your funds are safe and accessible at any time.

-Flexible plans to allow all participate. No discrimination here, equal rights are given to each investor. EVS believes in good customer service and satisfaction, so the support team is always active at any time if you need information.

-Refer and Earn!!! You receive a 5% bonus from your referral's deposit amount every time he makes an external deposit!

-EVS Joint Venture Package.


The effect of cryptocurrencies on the international market continues to grow, which means the need to create conditions and opportunities to ensure the smooth use of new financial instruments for everyone. This is reason EVS offers its services for various financial transactions with cryptocurrencies.

The reality is that the current volatility of cryptocurrency prices is more stimulating for consumers to make speculative investments than to use the same cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. However, we have developed mechanisms that allow you use the virtual money you have accumulated, to pay for all kinds of goods and services.

You can pay taxes, buy tickets, buy and sell real estate and cars, carry out life insurance, finance start-ups, run blockchain projects with the help of cryptocurrencies. All our clients have access to decentralized currency transactions, which is one of the key advantages of digital money over Fiat money.


Cryptocurrencies are increasingly used to pay for goods and services, the world's largest companies Microsoft and Starbucks, popular Internet platforms Amazon and eBay actively accept virtual money on a par with Fiat currencies. And the total volume of transactions using bitcoin exceeded similar indicators in the Western Union System, which only confirms the reliability and security of the introduction of new forms of payment.

Cryptocurrencies open access to an unlimited market. More and more companies support the development of new financial technologies; Restaurants and Hotels, Food delivery services and the World's largest Universities accept cryptocurrencies even more willingly than their national currencies. The whole countries are introducing cryptocurrencies as means of payment in most fields. Japan is one of the first who legalized the payment of any goods and services using bitcoin.

By the way, studies of the Blockchain technology showed that from 148 billion dollars that were sent from the United State by individuals to other countries in 2017, more than 15% of transfers were carried out using cryptocurrency. This means that blockchain technology has already taken the 4th place at that time among all means of transactions.

However, along with many advantages (including low transaction costs), the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment instrument has several features that prevent the active spread of this method among corporations and ordinary consumers. For example, it is necessary to develop common protocols of cybersecurity, to regulate the national legislation of different countries, to ensure the legality of the use of cryptocurrencies for any payments.